ISDN Voice Over Talent and ISDN Voice Overs from a professional ISDN Studio



Voice Over delivery by: Source Connect PRO, ISDN bridge, FTP, email or snail mail.

ISDN as a means of delivering voice over has been around for decades and somehow just won't fade away making room for newer technologies.  I remember the old days in radio when we would use ISDN to send signals to our tower (later, when everything went microwave, ISDN will still used as a backup).  ISDN was also used to broadcast live remotes from a client location or radio station event.

Now, ISDN is used mostly in our industry, by audio and video productions houses who want to communicate with voice over talent and and record voiceover artists in real time.

As an independent voice over talent, I'm happy to deliver via ISDN and do so through a bridge that originates with Source Connect at my home studio.

All About Voice Over


© Orlando Voice Over Talent and Voice Over Artist Orlando, Atlanta, Denver, Miami, Los Angeles, New York, , Philadelphia, Dallas, Denver, Chicago, New Orleans
Professional voice over talent and voice actor at